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Festivals and Events

  • Indoor or Outdoor - The Event Season Has Begun

    Indoor or Outdoor - The Event Season Has Begun

    We are fast approaching the summer event season. For now, we are at the Rochester Farmers Market through April. The summer season for the Market begins in May. Details available here.

    Meanwhile, we will be at a variety of events, fairs and festivals. Watch our Facebook page for updates.

  • Swarms!

    A swarm of bees on a tree branch, captured by a beekeeper for transfer into a new home.

    Have you ever seen one of these? This is a honey bee swarm - a bunch of worker bees with their queen. Swarming is a reproductive strategy of honey bees that occurs every year around this time. The colony is growing and running out of room. They start raising a new queen so that the old queen and a bunch of worker bees can leave to find a new home. It's this groups of bees that are called a swarm.

    They will hang out somewhere suitable while scout bees seek out a new home. When they find a place they like, the entire mass of bees will leave for their new home. It might take a couple of hours, or a couple of days, but eventually they leave.

    Give us a call or email (info<at> if you have one of these beauties in your yard. We'll do our best to give them a new home!